


(1) なぜあなたはドクター生なのですか?学位を取ったあとの計画は?
Why are you a PhD student? What are your plans after your thesis defence?
(2) あなたは研究に執着してますか?
Whether or not you have been sticking to your research and course plan (if not why)?
(3) 何単位とりましたか?問題はありますか?
How many course credits you have taken during the year and whether there have been any problems with this?
(4) 指導やサポートに満足してますか?
Are your supervision and support satisfactory?
(5) プロジェクトのお金は十分ですか?
Is there enough money for your projects?
(6) 翌年の予定は?
Discuss planning, field/laboratory work, analysis and writing/publishing for the next year(s).
(7) 学会などの参加予定と参加理由は?
Which courses and which conferences are you planning to attend and why?
(8) 翌年の研究計画における問題は?
Whether you foresee any problems to fulfil your study/research plan for the coming year(s)
(9) あなたの人生においてドクター生であることは喜びですか?
Are you pleased with your life as a PhD student?